Talent Management
Talent Selection and Hiring: A comprehensive, soup-to-nuts program designed to help your firm optimize the process of searching for, selecting and hiring the best talent.
Law firms run on talent. The cost of making a hiring mistake can be enormous. Luckily, there is a growing body of science that can help guide hiring decisions and reduce the risk of picking the wrong person.
LawyerBrain has been helping law firms discretely select the best talent for over 20 years. We can custom-design a program for you.
Identifying the best selection criteria—developing competency models
The value of “structured interviews”
How to select the right people to do interviewing
How to train interviewers to conduct a selection interview (and how to properly evaluate a candidate’s responses)
How to use testing and assessments as part of the selection screening process (and what not to do)
Understanding the science behind “job-person fit”
How to manage your “brand” in the selection interview