Organizational Improvement
Get Your Lawyers to Innovate: One of the best ways to cope with change is to initiate it yourself instead of waiting until it forces your hand. To do this effectively, leaders must figure out how to get risk-averse lawyers to innovate. Luckily, some recent research provides some great psychological tools that can help your lawyers tap into their creative side.
This is a custom-tailored program designed to help large law firms increase the capacity of their lawyers to innovate. It can include one or more of the following components:
Innovation Keynote: We can deliver a keynote about fostering innovation in lawyers–a crisp, riveting 90 minutes. Introduces lawyers to the latest science–in a completely engaging way.
Innovation Workshops: We can conduct an introductory “Welcome to Innovation” 2-hour teaser workshop, or a half-day “Legal Innovation Laboratory” workshop.
Horizons Program: We work with your firm to custom-design a multi-faceted program to bring out the inner innovator in your lawyers, using the latest behavioral science findings, and supported, of course, by our unique and extensive library of personality data on what makes lawyers tick.
Interested? Call LawyerBrain.