Change Management

Podcasts: The Stress of Change . . . and What To Do About It

Dr. Larry Richard

By Dr. Larry Richard

These two podcasts were originally published at the Legal Executive Institute website, a ThomsonReuters site. Podcast #1 discusses why change is hard for lawyers, and Podcast #2 discusses what you can do about it.

I was recently interviewed by Gregg Wirth, the Content Manager for the LEI blog site. On July 18th, 2016, he interviewed me about the psychological consequences of incessant change on lawyers and their performance. Here is the introductory blurb from the LEI website for this interview:

“Change is never easy, especially the type of systemic and dramatic change the legal industry is experience in the current market. And lawyers — not known for being open to change to begin with — are sometimes having a very difficult time with how their profession is evolving and how to envision what the lawyer and law firm of the future may look like.

Dr. Larry Richard, Founder & Principal Consultant at LawyerBrain LLC, is an expert in lawyer personality, managing change and how to build up lawyers’ resilience to today’s legal environment.

Dr. Richard discusses with the Legal Executive Institute how this stress around change manifests itself in lawyers’ performance and how law firms and corporate legal departments can best deal with the outcome.” Click here to listen to this podcast.

Then, on September 27th, Gregg followed up and interviewed me on the subject of what law firm and law department leaders, as well as individual lawyers, can do to cope with these consequences. Here is the introductory blurb from the LEI website for this second interview:

“It’s little surprise that lawyers, even among other professionals, are not wholly accepting of change, especially when it comes in the form of a large wave. Reaction to the current level of dramatic change in the legal industry can manifest itself in higher levels of anxiety and, worse yet for lawyers, a consuming focus on threats rather than opportunities.

Dr. Larry Richard, Founder & Principal Consultant at LawyerBrain LLC, is an expert in lawyer personality, managing change and how to build up lawyers’ resilience to today’s legal environment.

In this second installment of his podcast interview with Legal Executive Institute, Dr. Richard analyzes how law firms and corporate legal departments can best deal with the outcome and ease the stress surrounding the systemic change occurring in the legal marketplace.” Click here to listen to this podcast.

As usual, if you have comments or questions, please post a reply.

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